Saturday, June 13, 2009

the protagonist (no name mentioned?) often will reference a collection of books on astrology written by someone her boyfriend describes as never having, "been with anybody". funny, after watching it, the idea of asrological signs came subconsciously into my brain.'

what if it were possible to identify every love song with a love compatibility between signs. shit son, what useless knowledge.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Knife vs. Wamp Wamp

sweet, from the hood online
dude, about to give in and buy a pack of cigs. once, i said, "to quit smoking, buy TOP". Doesn't work.

Drugs are Illegal Because of Racism

one of my favorite documentaries on the History Channel. Always watch it when it comes on.


Next up, a lesson in how to create a music product without licensing any music. Hasbro releases the Music Edition of a game called Catch Phrase, in which participants must name a song title in response to a clue while being distracted by a repeating piece of very painful royalty free library music.

Clues include US Dummy (American Idiot), Brought Together Again (Reunited) and other ambiguously random hints and I am immediately surprised into thinking that the game is vaguely hip. Example: 123 and... Well, Go! by Tones On Tail, of course. Oh. No, wrong. Okay, Again and Again. Duh, Over and Over from Fleetwood Mac's Tusk. Nope. One more try: Not Going and Not Dead. Screw it, how about Bauhaus's Bela Lugosi's Dead (okay, random association kicks in). I give up and go home.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We're All Gonna Die - 100 meters of existence

The image to the right is 100 meters long (100 m x 78 cm).

There are 178 people in the picture. All people were shot from the same spot on Warschauer Strasse in Berlin in the summer 2007.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


compare and contrast with:

Erykah Badu's Twinkle

"...this honey-voiced Earth Mother goes down to the well and comes back pissed-off, knives-out, long-winded, half-stoned-- it's a sign of the times. But if you can't hear past the protest funk, ankh worship, cosmology, 1970s-rooted Afrocentrism, dusty grooves, and other superficial signs that this is a retro album, consider the coda to "Twinkle", where a robotic voice recites Howard Beale's televised breakdown from the 1976 film Network and only needs to change "TV" to "flat-screen" and "toaster" to "microwave oven" to modernize it for our terrified hearts and minds. In March, Erykah Badu told Blender that "time is for white people." I think she was making a joke, but whatever helps her take the longview is fine by me. --Mike Powell

Friday, June 5, 2009

tao te ching

Thank you Vince Hope for this excellent collection.

"Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding" (Mitchell 1).

Mitchell, Stephen. tao te ching. New York: HarperPerennial, 1988.